Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

BSKD - is intended for registration and display of operational parameters of vehicles (TS), as well as for diagnostics of electronic control units (ECUs) of the vehicle via the CAN bus and the ISO 9141 interface.

Price list


All Texnoton products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Texnoton: fuel level sensors, fuel flow meters, contactless readers, differential meters, axle load sensors, monitoring systems, on-board computers, data interfaces
  • Fuel level sensors Texnoton
    Fuel level sensors
    DUT-E, DUT-E GSM, etc.
  • Fuel flow meters Texnoton
    Fuel flow meters
    DFM-50, DFM-500, etc.
  • Differential flow meters Texnoton
    Differential flow meters
    DFM 100D, 250D, 500D, etc.
  • Wireless Fuel flow meters Texnoton
    Wireless Fuel flow meters
    DFM S7, DFM DS7, etc.
  • Flow meters for heavy machinery Texnoton
    Flow meters for heavy machinery
    DFM Marine et al.
  • Industrial Flow meters Texnoton
    Industrial Flow meters
    DFM-7, DFM-25 Industrial, etc.
  • Contactless readers Texnoton
    Contactless readers
    CANCrocodile, 1708Crocodile, etc.
  • Axle load sensors Texnoton
    Axle load sensors
    GNOM DP, DDE, etc.
  • On-board computers Texnoton
    On-board computers
    BSKD , etc .
  • Monitoring systems Texnoton
    Monitoring systems
    SKRT, BSKD, etc.
  • CAN tools Texnoton
    CAN tools
    MasterCAN V-GATE, etc.
  • Stands Texnoton
    Telematics, etc.
  • Additional equipment and accessories Texnoton
    Additional equipment and accessories
    DUT-E ATS-1, etc.

About Texnoton

Technoton (Minsk) is a dynamically developing enterprise. Since 2005, sales of fuel control and transport monitoring equipment have been constantly growing. The company has grown from a small group of enthusiasts to a full-fledged developer and manufacturer of complex electronic equipment.

    The high quality of the developments is confirmed by numerous patents for inventions and utility models, Russian and European certificates of conformity.
  • warranty

    For fuel sensors, monitoring terminals, data interfaces and contactless readers, the warranty is 5 years. For flow meters – 3 years.

    JV Technoton has a unique metrologically certified stand for checking sensors and meters of diesel fuel, the only one in the CIS.

Information Board Texnoton

Learn more about our products Texnoton.
  • Price list for Technoton products в магазине Технотон
    Price list for Technoton products
  • Technoton product Catalog бренда Технотон
    Technoton product Catalog


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